Saif Ali Khan was reportedly attacked by an intruder who broke into his Mumbai residence late Thursday night. The incident occurred at around 2:30 am when the actor was at home. According to reports, Saif was stabbed four times during the confrontation but is now recovering at Mumbai's Lilavati Hospital. Hospital staff have confirmed that his condition is stable and he is out of danger.
The police have investigated the attack and filed an FIR at the Bandra Police Station. Initial findings suggest that the intruder managed to sneak into the house while Saif was asleep. A physical altercation ensued when the actor confronted the trespasser, which escalated to the stabbing incident before the assailant fled the scene.
Authorities are questioning three house staff members who were present during the incident. One attendant is also said to have sustained injuries in the scuffle. Early investigations indicate that a single individual is suspected to be behind the attack.
Saif Ali Khan's team released an official statement addressing the incident: "There was an attempted burglary at Mr. Saif Ali Khan's residence. He is currently in the hospital undergoing surgery. We kindly ask the media and fans for patience as this is a police matter. Updates will be shared as the situation develops.